This is PowerUs
PowerUs is an international network of teachers and researchers from schools of social work and representatives from different service user organizations.
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Partnership Experiential Knowledge in Higher Education
Experiential Knowledge in Higher Education is a strategic partnership between twelve universities from ten countries in Europe and their local partners.
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David Tobis key note from the conference Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge in Lund May 2024
Jean-Pierre introduces the Conference on “Peer Support & Experiential Knowledge” in Lund in May 2024.
When: 9 till 11 October 2024 Where: Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, Netherlands Program: 9th October: Seminar - learning event with workshops about how to integrate experiential knowledge in education 10th October: Conference Learning from...
Conference & Seminar Peer Support and Experiential Knowlege
From 13th till 15th of May there was a very inspiring international conference at the Lund University about Peer Support an Experiential Knowledge. For more information see Conference and Seminar Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge | Powerus.
Newsletter Erasmus Strategic Partnership on Experiential knowledge, winter 2024
A new dimension in personalized inclusive education Welcome to the third newsletter and third year of the Erasmus project! We are delighted to start our new year with a special edition newsletter which comes from the experts by experience who have been involved with...
Welcome to conference on Experiential Knowledge and Peer Support 13/5 in Lund!
Peer support. Photo: Neil Thomas, Unsplash. Save the Date! Welcome to an international conference on using personal experience in health- and social work practice, education and research. The conference is hosted by the School of Social Work and the ERASMUS...
Upcoming events
Welcome to the symposium: Integrating experiential knowledge in social work and nursing education: findings from a European project
Welcome to the symposium: Integrating experiential knowledge in social work and nursing education: findings from a European project
The Symposium will be held in the upcoming ESWRA conference during 12 - 14 March in Munich. You can read more about the conference here.
Recent events
Event: Experiential Knowledge and Experiential Learning in Higher Education
Event: Experiential Knowledge and Experiential Learning in Higher Education
Strategic partnership meeting online
Strategic partnership meeting online

Partnership Experiential Knowledge
Experiential Knowledge in Higher Education is a strategic partnership between twelve universities from ten countries in Europe. The three year project focuses on creating educations on experiential knowledge and building strategies for strengthening and individualizing professional educations (for social workers and nurses), to strengthen students in their personal and professional development.
The collaboration is a long-term development work together with social colleges in ten countries. They all have experience in integrating and developing methods in different ways, which means that experience-based knowledge is utilized to strengthen students and to make them better equipped to withstand various challenges in social work, to be enduring and creative in a tough and important work.
The students will be part of the work of developing new methods to strengthen them as social workers. The project will also contribute with knowledge about how the universities can meet up to students from different backgrounds to succeed with their studies and with their future profession.
Read more about the seven work packages
Peer support in Housing First
Members of PowerUs in Sweden are engaged in a three-year research project about sustainable ways for municipalities to work with the strategies of Housing First and peer support. The social services are facing major challenges in developing sustainable and effective methods. There is a need for new knowledge to evaluate the effects of social services’ treatment activities and to facilitate the implementation of Housing First.
One way to do this is to create sustainable working methods for service user participation and quality development based on cooperation between service users and representatives of various social services.
Our project will generate results that contribute to these needs for new knowledge. Work-package 1 focuses on implementation and quality development from a service user perspective, but it also takes into account other stakeholders’ perspectives. We will investigate how the 21 municipalities in Sweden that say they are working according to Housing first are getting on.
The RECO-labs that will be organized within the framework of Work-package 2 will engage service users and other stakeholders in a common and mutual learning process to contribute to new forms of quality development and co-production. In the end of the project the learnings from WP 1 & 2 will be disseminated nationally.