
Facultat d’Educatió i Psicologia
UdG Experience
Short introduction of the work done involving service users
User participation in teaching is promoted at the Degree in Social Education. At the moment, the experiences are focused on specific subjects and mostly consist on talks centred on personal experiences. The willing is incorporating the voices of users in a transversal project that implies a greater number of professors and subjects, addressed to built a shared learning between service users and future professionals.
Currently, two of the research groups linked to the Social Education degree incorporate the voice of the users in their research. Brief description follows on the table
Group |
Diversity Group |
Experience in research with an advisory commitee made up by people with intellectual disabilities. From the 2012 they have been collaborating in disability research (independent living, living together, guardianship). |
Web |
http://recercadiversitat.wixsite.com/diversitat/consejo-asesor |
Publications |
– Paper focused what think the advisors with intellectual disabilities participating in inclusive research about their participation. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jar.12165 -Research report written by Assessors and Reseach Group about Independent Living. http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/fe33e0_13dd820fd3e64267ac63a548752ce721.pdf |
Hebe Project |
Project HEBE is a research project that analyzes youth empowerment. The research is a collaboration of four Catalan universities: The University of Girona (the project leader), the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Barcelona and Pompeu Fabra University. We’ve depeloped two projectes. The first one was focused on the analysis of the spaces, moments and processes that shape youth empowerment. Young people participated in several phases of the project. The second project has the aim to identify those aspects that allow the youth empowerment to be possible, involving educators who implement socio-educational projects. |
Web |
Publications |
Anna Planas
Maria Pallisera