Organizational framework for integrating experiential knowledge in higher education
On this page we want to highlight important organizational frames which need to be considered to include experiential knowledge in higher education.
The information you will find here are prepared by colleagues at the University of Agder in Norway and are based on information and good practices from partners in the Erasmus+ project Experiential knowledge in higher education (2021-2024).
We hope this webpage can be useful for institutions that want to integrate experiential knowledge in their educations.
Based on feedback from our partners in the Erasmus+ project, we have pointed out four aeras and will describe organizational frameworks according to,
- outward engagement
- organization of the education
- internal culture
- administrative factors
Outward engagement
- Engage politically, i.e. by taking part in official hearings
- Network with other institutions and service user organizations
- Research on experiential knowledge and with experts by experience
Organisation of the education
- Integrate experiential knowledge in the curriculum
- Work with learning outcomes on experiential knowledge in teaching
- Include literature on experiential knowledge in syllabus
Internal culture
- Develop vision in which experiential knowledge is anchored
- Have meetings with the management to anchoring the ideas of this way of working
- Take part in the University board, or the faculty or department board
Administrative factors
- Make formal agreement between the University and service user organizations
- Offer salary/fee, and contract to expert by experience who conduct teaching
- Set up time for preparation for teaching, representation and recruiting
Mette Fløystad Kvammen
Wibekke Adele Grønlund
Jorunn Gjedrem
Heidi Esma Dahl Bønnhoff
Read more about the seven work packages
Framework for integrating experiential knowledge
Recap Event: Experiential Knowledge and Experiential Learning in Higher Education
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