Partnership Experiential Knowledge

Partnership Experiential Knowledge, cofunded by Erasmus+
Experiential Knowledge in Higher Education is a strategic partnership between twelve universities from ten countries in Europe and their local partners. In a the three year project we focus on creating educations on experiential knowledge and building strategies for strengthening and individualizing professional educations (for social workers and nurses), to strengthen students in their personal and professional development. We aim to promote awareness for using personal experience as a source of knowledge and to make the education more personalized and inclusive.

“Experiential knowledge is essential for education in human professions.”


The partnership are working on several projects or work packages until the end of 2024 you can find our newsletters here.


Aimed project results

  • Key principles and a framework for the integration of experiential knowledge and experiential learning in the curricula
  • Digital guide with didactical and pedagogical methods
  • Training and coaching toolkits for academics and experts by experience
  • Website that serves as an open access platform containing the project, like e-learning programs and toolkit
  • A sustainable network, which can be continued after the project ends



The collaboration is a long-term development work together with social colleges in ten countries. We all have experience in integrating and developing methods in different ways, which means that experience-based knowledge is utilized to strengthen students and to make them better equipped to withstand various challenges in social work, to be enduring and creative in a tough and important work. The students are part of the work of developing new methods to strengthen them as social workers and nurses.

  • University of Dundee, Scotla
  • UC Leuven University, Belgium
  • Lund University, Sweden
  • Tartu University, Estonia
  • Karel De Grote University of Applied Sciences Antwerp, Belgium
  • Vilnius University, Lithuania
  • HU Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands,
  • Hogeschool Windesheim, the Netherlands
  • Agder University, Norway
  • Catholic University Milan, Italy
  • University of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain
  • The Open University, England


Main coordinator

Jean-Pierre Wilken, University of Applied Science Utrecht 

Cofunded by Erasmus+



Poster WP 1

Poster WP 2

Poster WP 3

Poster WP 4

Poster WP 5

Poster WP 7

Articles – Partnership Experiential Knowledge

Recap Event: Experiential Knowledge and Experiential Learning in Higher Education

We look back on three successful days on learning from and working with experiential knowledge both in social work and nursing education and in practice. A special thanks to our host Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and partnership Experiential Knowledge. The...

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Newsletter Experiential knowledge in higher education #4 – Erasmus+

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SAVE THE DATE: End conference Experiential Knowledge in Higher education in the Netherlands

*** Save the date! More information will come on this page! ***   Experiential knowledge and learning: a pathway to inclusive education Learning Event & Conference Erasmus+ project Experiential Knowledge in Higher Education Registration is open now,...

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Recap Conference & Seminar Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge

We look back on three successful days around using personal experience in health- and social work practice, education and research. Click here for a recap of the events. The next events is 9 till 11 October in the Netherlands: Experiential knowledge and learning: a...

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When: 9 till 11 October 2024 Where: Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, Netherlands Program: 9th October: Seminar - learning event with workshops about how to integrate experiential knowledge in education 10th October: Conference Learning from...

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Conference & Seminar Peer Support and Experiential Knowlege

From 13th till 15th of May there was a very inspiring international conference at the Lund University about Peer Support an Experiential Knowledge. For more information see Conference and Seminar Peer Support and Experiential Knowledge | Powerus.

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Newsletter Erasmus Strategic Partnership on Experiential knowledge, winter 2024

A new dimension in personalized inclusive education Welcome to the third newsletter and third year of the Erasmus project! We are delighted to start our new year with a special edition newsletter which comes from the experts by experience who have been involved with...

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Newsletter Erasmus Strategic Partnership on Experiential knowledge, summer 2023

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Webinar five with Jean-Pierre Wilken

Welcome on Friday the 12/5 15.30 CET. Jean-Pierre Wilkens from Utrecht, The Netherlands will talk about experiential knowledge. You can see the webinar in the YouTube link below!  

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Experience included: Towards an educational design with experience as a source of power and knowledge

At the HU University of applied sciences a group of lecturers, researchers and an educational expert is teaming up to create a educational design where experiential knowledge is included and fits in the current design of the bachelor social work. After getting input...

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Webinar four with Kristel Driessens & Pascal Maes

People in poverty as tandem partners in social work education 15/4 CET, Kristel Driessens & Pascal Maes, Karel de Grote University of Allied Sciences, Anwerp, Belgium Kristel Driesssens and Pascal Maes from Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences, Antwerp,...

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The world’s first Master on Experiential Expertise set to launch in September

Zwolle, April 2023 – Windesheim University of Applied sciences is proud to announce the launch of the world’s first Master on Experiential Expertise, starting in September 2023. The master Experiential Expertise is meant for professionals who wish to take their...

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Working with Experts by Experience

By Nicole den Besten, student Social Work at University of applied science Utrecht. My name is Nicole and I am a student in my final year of Social Work at the Hogeschool Utrecht University of applied sciences (HU). Last year I participated in the “Mend The Gap”...

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Experiential knowledge; knowledge with zest!

Experiential knowledge. How do we recognize it? Can you see it, feel it, taste it? What does it mean? How can you harness it and how do you develop it with students? With a diverse group of social work lecturers, we orientated ourselves to questions like these under...

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Strategic Partnership, Experiential knowledge

Experiental Knowledge in Higher Education is a strategic partnership between twelve universities from ten countries in Europe. The three year project focuses on creating educations on experiental knowledge and building strategies for strengthening and individualizing...

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