Length of the activity
On this page we have organized the activities according to their length. To begin with, we have single activities, which are short in time and can be incorporated in an existing lesson or which take no more than one lesson in total. Next, we describe courses or training programs which consist of several meetings. Finally, we will add the descriptions of entire minor of masters programs, which will be added at a later moment in time.

Single activity
Co-teaching with students with lived experiences about psychopathology
Learning from the lived experiences of peers and learning how to get a complete picture with the use of all three sources of knowledge.
Seminar about drug addiction and physical health, planned together with expert by experience
Learning from lived experiences about drug addiction, health and family planned together with expert by experience.
Lecture and interactive session about autism spectrum from experienced expertise
Lecture and interactive session about autism spectrum from experienced expertise
Learning from the experiential knowledge of older adults
Learning from experiences of older adults. An assignment in which students exchange with older, community dwelling adults about their lived experience.
Feelers exercise insight in knowledge in experiences
Creative exercise to gain insight in the knowledge in your experiences by drawing your ‘feelers’.
Student training Experiential Knowledge Experiential Expertise
Students learn to search for the knowledge in experiences with disruption, recovery, stigmatisation and inclusion and share this professionally.
What can I learn from my client?
Students learn from the experiential knowledge of service users they support in their practice placement.
Stigmatization exercise
An exercise that makes aware of experiences with stigmatization learning from own experiences and of peers.
Reflecting on and learning from an experience with impact
Exercise to reflect on an experience with impact and learn from it. Reflection with use of the PEPPER-elements that help recognize experiential knowledge.
Click here to download this file.
Learning from an expert by experience about recovery
Learning from an expert by experience and reflecting on students own experiences.
Communication skills session with an expert by experience as a teacher
Learn to share and hear personal stories regarding vulnerability and coping. The session is led by a lecturer with experiential expertise.
Course or training
Experiential knowledge as guide
Co-creating ideas that value experiential knowledge of students in courses and campus.
Social work students and students with an intellectual disability studying together
Students social work learning side by side with students with intellectual disability on an equal base with creative forms, learning eachothers perspective.
Working on human rights with an expert by experience
Students develop investigative ability and critical thinking about the (politicizing) role of social work and the social worker, regarding human rights, learning and working together in a group. The course is thought in tandem together with an expert by experience.
Unconventional practice placement participatory planning
Students learn in practice to facilitate and plan a social project in partnership with services user, active citizens and carers.
Students learning from people with lived experiences
Provide students with a critical insight into partnership working, integrated services, social care, and disability in the context of health and social care integration.
Social work orientation course
Orientation on social work as a profession, their own values and attitudes and the perspectives of services users and learning from them during a full day meeting.
Experienced perspectives on disruption, stigma & disability
Learning team for students in practice placement within recovery based care organisation
Learning in recovery based practice within a learning team where experiential knowledge (of students) can thrive.
Course led or participated by service users and carers
Learning to facilitate and plan a social project in partnership with services user, active citizens and carers thought in tandem.
Learning from an expert by experience about recovery
Learning from an expert by experience and reflecting on students own experiences.
Supervision by Expert by experience
Supervision by expert by experience to help students to see the user perspective in their own social work, in dialog with experts by experiences.
Contributing to service development based on user participation and co-creation
Learning to innovate social work practice in co-creation between service users, social work practioners and organisations.
Students reflecting upon their own experiences
Students social work reflect upon own experiences after reading a social work relevant autobiography and how these experiences may influence professional relations in social work in the future.
Social work students and service users study, coorporate and innovate together
Social work students and service users studying together from equal roles and co-creating services and knowledge together. Challenging power relations in social work and inequality.
Experiential learning, learn from own experiences and your peers
Non-formal learning as a way of experiential learning. A educational method to facilitate learning from own experiences and of peers, developing experiential knowledge.
Design Thinking Workshops
Learning to innovate social work practice in co-creation with service users, by using the design thinking methodology.
Innovation circle experiential knowledge
In this innovation circle students develop social work products/services that have to do with the question How do social workers work wit experiential knowledge.
Workshop series self-direction from an experiential knowledge perspective
Self-direction from an experience expert perspective is essential. How can you support and encourage self-direction as a social worker and what are essential things to consider in this?
Peer support group for students
Peer support group for students where they can share and learn form their own and others experience.