The “HUSK-project”

Apr 16, 2017 | Article

An important project in Norway is the so-called HUSK-project. In the years 2006-2011 the Norwegian Directorate of Health and Social Affairs provided funds to establish a university research program for selected municipal social service offices (The Norwegian abbreviation is HUSK). The main goal of the project was to improve the services for the users by strengthening the quality of the services.

A main strategy was to promote structures and arenas for binding cooperation on an equal footing between municipal social service providers, social service users, social researchers and social/welfare educators. The Directorate provided funds for four regional HUSK projects. Participants were universities and university colleges in the regions, the social service in 20 municipalities in eight counties and service users.

A couple of persons with user experience were employed in HUSK, in other projects persons with user experiences were engaged as members of the user organisations. A couple of books and reports have been published from the project.

In English the following article is published: J. Fook et al (2011): “Partnership in Practice Research: a Norwegian Experience” Social Work & Society 9 (1), p. 29-44.

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