Webinar eight with Swati Banerjee

In this webinar professor Swati Banerjee from Tata Institute, Mumbai, India will speak about “Participatory Methodologies: A Pedagogy in Knowledge – Justice and People-Centered Social Innovation. Please join the discussion. In this webinar Professor Swati...

Webinar five with Jean-Pierre Wilken

Welcome on Friday the 12/5 15.30 CET. Jean-Pierre Wilkens from Utrecht, The Netherlands will talk about experiential knowledge. You can see the webinar in the YouTube link below!  

Webinar four with Kristel Driessens & Pascal Maes

People in poverty as tandem partners in social work education 15/4 CET, Kristel Driessens & Pascal Maes, Karel de Grote University of Allied Sciences, Anwerp, Belgium Kristel Driesssens and Pascal Maes from Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences, Antwerp,...