1st part:
The key educational and ethical principles integrating experiential knowledge in the study process

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Time Aim Description of the activity Materials/Resources
15 min Welcome, introduction of the programme and getting to know each other
60 min Looking at your personal definition

Option 1:

1) Individual task: Write down your personal definition of experiential knowledge

2) Sharing in the whole group

Paper and pens, laptops



Someone is writing on the board: similarities, differences and questions

Option 2:

1) Express your definition of experiential knowledge in a creative way (metaphors, poems, drawings or other forms).

2) Sharing in the whole group


Paper, pencils, markers etc.
50 min Introduction of main concepts: experiential knowledge, expert by experience and the key educational principles.


1. Introduction of the main concepts: experiences, experiential knowledge and experiential expertise (of Experts by Experience)

Time for questions and discussions


2. Key educational principles of integrating experiential knowledge in study process

Theoretical input, can be prepared using recommended literature https://powerus.eu/category/stateoftheartliterature/


90 min Meaning making

Option 1:

1. The group divides in small groups (3-4), each group is discussing one of the principles (members can choose the principle and according to the principle they create groups):

Task for small groups to discuss the meaning of the principle. Questions: What does this principle mean to you? What does this principle mean in the educational context or training and learning process?

2. Small groups are feeding back to the whole group the main discoveries.










Option 2:

World café:

Round table discussion, one principle at a table. One person is a host of a table and others are moving from one to another.

Trainers keep the time.

Papers and pens

Description of the world café exercise.

30 Reflection on key principles

What have I learned during the day?

Where does it fit with my believes about training of professionals and my teaching practice?

For face to face: write down on a board.

For on-line: use the padlet or other tools.


Write a (small) poem about one of the key principles. We will start the next part of the training by sharing those poems.

A poem of eleven words

Instead, a poem it can also be used: Haiku, a quote or metaphor


Jolita Buzaitytė Kašalynienė jolita.kasalyniene@fsf.vu.lt
Dagmar Nausson Dagmar.Narusson@ut.ee
Leonie de Quelerij LJ.de.Quelerij@windesheim.nl


Training programme for lecturers

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