Organizational framework for integrating experiential knowledge in higher education
Organization of the education
Recognizing experiential knowledge as equal to scientific and practical knowledge is essential for organizations aiming to enhance their educational frameworks. This acknowledgment not only validates the diverse experiences of learners but also empowers educators to incorporate these insights into their teaching practices effectively. By organize the education in a way which acknowledge experiential knowledge educational institutions can create more holistic and impactful learning experiences.
Be pro-active to make sure experiential knowledge is visible in the curriculum. Work with learning outcomes on experiential knowledge in teaching. You can find resources on the powerus website:
Include literature on experiential knowledge in syllabus and integrate experiential knowledge in the curriculum is another step.
When planning various activities within the organization, you should consider the ethical dimensions outlined in WP 1 (refer to document 7, part three).
We also recommend that you use the evaluation instrument to evaluate the integration of experiential knowledge and experiential learning in educational programs (Link to WP 7, Monitoring instrument for educational programs). This evaluation should be conducted both at the initiation and during the implementation process to ensure continuous improvement.
Some examples of organization of the education that promotes experiential learning:
- At Agder University, experts by experience are supervising students in their practical placement.
- Lund University in Sweden is developing methods where the students’ own experiences are made important, i.e. by writing an essay using self-biography (4th semester). They share their text in groups where their professional and personal development are discussed.
- At Lund University they also have developed the gap mending course where both students from social work and service users are participating together. This is called the Mobilization-course.
- In Windesheim University of Applied Science in the Netherlands they have an elective subject: “Experiential expertise” in year two where students work with their own recovery stories. During the course they participate in discussions about whether it is appropriate for the student to further develop as an expert by experience or not. They have also PPD-groups (Personal and Professional Development) where they learn from each other.
- Windesheim University of Applied Science have also developed a Master on experiential expertise, starting in April 2023. Read more about this here:
- UCLL in Belgium have since 2013 developed the tandem model; EBE and teacher teach together on an equal basis. Both preparation, teaching and examination are done in pairs. They complement each other, they are complementary and bring in multiple perspectives. Lecturers provide frameworks and theoretical knowledge, while the experts by experience provide knowledge from their personal and professional experiences. Experiential expertise brings in other aspects such as more emotional layers and authenticity. In this way, the quality of education is increased.
- At KdG lecturers experienced that co-working with an expert by experience for a whole course, for example in training programs, has an important impact. There are deeper dialogues and deep learning with real cases. Students can exercise with real situations and get feedback from experiential knowledge
- In UCLL the students meet experts by experience in different ways and in different roles. In the first phase the students mostly listen to experiences, and for some of them it is it the first time they meet vulnerable people having service user experiences from real situations. In the second phase the students take interventions or undertake action with what they have heard and learned, by entering into a dialogue. In the third phase the students can explore how they can use their own experiences in their profession as a social worker.
- For students who want to work with personal experiences in their practice placement, it is important that the place of practice placement is informed and able. So, it is important that they are well informed about wishes and challenges, and it is important that the practice placement mentors/supervisors are aware and able to support this. At HU University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht, they offer practice placement training for professionals who tutor their students, and they incorporate working with the students’ personal experiences in these trainings.
- At The Open University, co-production is embedded in the social work curriculum. This means that people with lived experiences are equal partners alongside teaching staff in designing and delivering social work education. Guidance for co-producing the curriculum is available on the PowerUs website. Of interest here is a link to a brief article that summarises the key principles and experiences. Co-production – challenges and opportunities for the Higher Education curriculum | OpenLearn – Open University
Outward engagement
- Engage politically, i.e. by taking part in official hearings
- Network with other institutions and service user organizations
- Research on experiential knowledge and with experts by experience
Organisation of the education
- Integrate experiential knowledge in the curriculum
- Work with learning outcomes on experiential knowledge in teaching
- Include literature on experiential knowledge in syllabus
Internal culture
- Develop vision in which experiential knowledge is anchored
- Have meetings with the management to anchoring the ideas of this way of working
- Take part in the University board, or the faculty or department board
Administrative factors
- Make formal agreement between the University and service user organizations
- Offer salary/fee, and contract to expert by experience who conduct teaching
- Set up time for preparation for teaching, representation and recruiting
Mette Fløystad Kvammen
Wibekke Adele Grønlund
Jorunn Gjedrem
Heidi Esma Dahl Bønnhoff
Read more about the seven work packages
Framework for integrating experiential knowledge
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