Charter for Collaboration

    Bind-Kracht (Strength of Ties) is a team of lecturers/trainers, researchers and coaches (people with experience in poverty and social exclusion), who aim to support and strengthen students, social workers and volunteers in strength-based work with people in poverty. In this document, we describe what collaborators can expect from the organisation, and what Bind-Kracht may expect from lecturers/trainers and coaches. In short, the conditions for high-quality collaboration.

    What does Bind-Kracht offer its collaborators?

    • Opportunities for participation in the basic activities of Bind-Kracht (in training and research) tailored to collaborators.
    • An anchor or point of contact at the research centre social inclusion of the Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences
      • Where we refine and pass on training requests to the collaborators
      • Where we organise training programs and promote Bind-Strength activities
      • Where you can reach us by phone or email and get answers to your questions
      • Where we take up representation or spokespersonship
      • Where we take care of reporting of Bind-Kracht activities and the annual planning
      • Where we monitor and report on the spending of the structural financing
    • Organisation of knowledge sharing and exchange in order to enhance expertise
      • Substantive strengthening meetings for the team: training and supervision for trainers and coaches
      • Making didactic material available for trainers/lecturers.
      • Quality control for the training courses (an evaluation form to be filled in on the last day of each training course and by follow-up at trainers’ meetings and individual coaching)
    • Legal/business
      • A volunteer agreement and insurance for coaches
      • Policy on contract construction

    What does Bind-Kracht expect from coaches?

    • Conveying the vision and approach of Bind-Kracht in a respectful manner
    • Participation in the meetings
    • Not give training in institutions where you were service users yourself
    • Respectful collaboration with trainers and fellow coaches
      • Participation in preparatory meetings for the training courses
      • Participation in debriefing and evaluation of the training
      • Open communication about own expectations of the training courses, perceived frictions or sensitive points
      • Supportive work for the trainer/students and fellow coaches
      • Timely reporting of absence
    • Willingness to engage in dialogue with students
    • Confidential handling of information from the training courses/meetings
    • Correct handling of administrative arrangements (e.g. returning rail passes, contracts)

    What does Bind-Kracht expect from trainers?

    • To support the vision and approach of Bind-Kracht and want to propagate this in a respectful manner in their own work domain (in welfare organisations/education…)
    • Offering Bind-Kracht training in consultation with the anchor point
      • Making use of the Bind-Kracht frameworks and the developed material (e.g. Ppt template, material on the materials bank, the developed training packages)
      • In collaboration with coaches from Bind-Kracht
    • Participation in the meetings
    • Respectful collaboration with coaches as partners in the training courses by:
      • recruiting coaches in consultation with the anchor point
      • organising a thorough preparation with the coaches (providing information about subject, target group and dates – tuning on approach, concrete collaboration possibilities and use of training instruments)
      • making frictions and sensitive points discussable and respecting boundaries that coaches indicate during the training courses,
      • dealing respectfully with the input of the coaches: stimulating them to input and framing their input respectfully – stimulating open dialogue but also guarding boundaries so that no new injuries are added
      • creating safety for coaches and students and working supportively
      • debriefing and evaluation with the coaches
      • use of evaluation form at the end of the course (to be filled in by students and passed on to the anchor point) and feedback to the work meeting on the progress of the training
      • Correct handling of administrative arrangements (e.g. delivering contracts, sending invoices and expense notes on time)
      • Respecting the contract and price policy

    The coordinator of Bind-Kracht monitors compliance with the charter. Collegues who experience that Bind-Kracht does not fulfil its commitments, raise this with the coordinator. Conversely, the coordinator will address collegues if they do not fulfil their commitments. This charter applies from the date of signing until the date of adjustment.


    Place, date.

    Signature of coordinator                                                       Signature of Trainer or coach


    Signature of head of research group or department

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