7.  Reflection/ evaluation/ debriefing/ aftercare

‘It is important to take a moment to reflect on how the day/activity went. This is to see what went well and what went less well. This provides an opportunity to adjust activities towards next time. Maintain or elaborate on what is good, change what is not working. Share visions with neutral parties who were not present. It is often easier to see things from a distance.’

    When the lessons have been given, the project work has been completed or generally when the work of the expert by experience has been completed, this needs to be reflected on and evaluated in a constructive manner so that people can learn from it.

    In this section, we present what experts by experience appreciate in

    7.1 Debriefing and aftercare >>

    7.2 Evaluation >>

    As inspiring practices, we present:

    7.3 Steering group Day: EBEs involvement in Unconventional Practice Placement at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Italy

    7.4 Evaluation of the cooperation with experts by experience in the course op ‘Communication Skills’ for Social Work students

    Debriefing and aftercare

    The experts by experience indicated that receiving feedback after the session (from the service users’ organisation, the training organisation,…) is necessary to improve future editions and to know if it had a positive impact on the students.

    To assess the impact of the intervention, it is useful to meet the same students several times. So the experts by experience have deeper knowledge sharing in a safe class climate, experience more openness by the students and see the progress in their questions, thinking, work. For a real weaving of knowledges, more courses or meetings with the students seem fruitful.

    In this section you will also find some info about aftercare and the importance of it as it often stirs up a lot of emotions for all parties, and this on different levels namely individual level and organizational level.

    Evaluate and learn

    Experts by experience indicated that evaluation is important to continue and learn. It is important to take a moment to reflect on the course of the day/activity. This is to see what went well and what went less well. This provides an opportunity to adjust activities for next time. Maintain or work out what is good, change what is not working. Share visions with neutral parties who were not present. It is often easier to see things from a distance.

    Performance reviews were also important, but also cause a lot of stress because such reviews are, in a way, tense. They should take place at least once, maximum twice a year.

    A support kit for experts by experience

    Recap Event: Experiential Knowledge and Experiential Learning in Higher Education

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    Newsletter Erasmus Strategic Partnership on Experiential knowledge, winter 2024

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    Newsletter Erasmus Strategic Partnership on Experiential knowledge, summer 2023

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