Evaluate and learn
Generally, it was indicated by experts by experience that evaluation is important to continue and learn. It is important to take a moment to reflect on the course of the day/activity. This is to see what went well and what went less well. This provides an opportunity to adjust activities for next time. Maintain or work out what is good, change what is not working. Share visions with neutral parties who were not present. It is often easier to see things from a distance.
Performance reviews are also important, but also cause a lot of stress because such reviews are, in a way, tense. They should take place at least once, maximum twice a year.
- An individual evaluation with the lecturer you work with. Learning out of experiences together.
- Questionnaire for the students. Discussion about the results. What can we do better next year?
- I think the most important thing here is to be aware of interventions. I have no idea how important it might be to actually be involved in planning
- Involvement in evaluation of cooperation at organisational level. I think it is important for each party to be involved in evaluating cooperation as an organisation. Cooperation only really runs smoothly when everyone is on the same page. To achieve this, it is necessary to involve each party individually but also all parties together in evaluating it.
- Evaluation of the cooperation with EBE in the program board. A representative of the EBE is involved.
- Evaluation meeting with EBE and thank you party.
Dreams for the future
- Universities of applied sciences must collaborate in the field of experiential expertise. Type of learning network. Where we can learn from each other.
- More involvement in the evaluation of the cooperation at the organizational level
- More co-production of knowledge, research methods, content for lessons.
- Involvement/cooperation in the planning of the interventions on the organizational level and sharing decisions and ownership of what we do
- Involvement in the peer review of the educational program.
- Let’s develop an evaluation system together with EBE in a European Project
Read more about the seven work packages
A support kit for experts by experience
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